Is It Worth Paying a Bookkeeper?

You’re on a bookkeeping website so the answer is obviously YES!!!!

But apart from peddling our business, there are many reasons why it pays to pay a bookkeeper.

They know sh*t you don’t. A bookkeeper goes through some pretty rigorous (and admittedly, boring) training. The finance industry is the most heavily regulated industry in Australia. That means there are lots of rules, which means lots of ways you can get in trouble. 

Ever been in trouble with the ATO? You are not getting out of it. And you are not getting away with it. They don’t take no sh*t. And that can be costly to you. 

So don’t worry your pretty little head about the boring rules and regulations and have one of our pretty little heads do it for you.

You can’t focus on what’s important if you’re crunching numbers. Doing your books and payroll late into the evening? Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. What a turn on. Bet your partner loves that. 

You’re probably doing your own invoicing and chasing debts too. I bet that’s leaving you a lot of time for the good stuff. Stuff that would make life feel fun again and not just constant work. 

And if you’re tearing your hair out trying to reconcile your accounts and coming up with errors, you won’t have time for important things like making your business work. Because that’s why you’re doing this right? To create a successful business?

Knowing that everything is being taken care of for you and done accurately can give you both time, and peace of mind. Then you can focus on what you do best.

If you don’t know your current financial position, you could be in the sh*t at tax time. If you’re like most people, you do your jobs and hope for the best. You wait for your accountant to tell you how much you made at EOFY. 

No-one wants to hear at tax time “Congratulations. You have no tax to pay this year”. If you hear that ‘good news’, that means you made f#ck all or maybe even a loss. 

If you don’t know where you’re at NOW, you can’t fix any problems. You can’t take corrective action. 

Not every bookkeeper does this but we’re pretty invested in seeing you succeed. That’s why we monitor your cash flow and help you budget. That’s why we keep a sharp eye on your revenue and profit. That’s why we raise questions if your margins are looking too skinny. That gives you time to course correct if things are not going well. 

So yes, it is worth paying a bookkeeper. You could think of it like making an investment in your business. It can save you time and money and hassle. What’s not to love about that!

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